Carly Cardellino's shop

Holiday Gift Guide for Kids

Eeeeep! This is just the cutest -- it isn't sold with any of the added things you see but I love how vintage it looks and that it comes with wallpaper!
My kids love slippers so much, ahah it's so cute! And these ones are so squishy and comfy!
I love mini rodini coats -- the prints are so fun and their super warm -- my kids love them!
I have these for both of my kids and they love listening along and it requires zero screen time!
I LOVE these play kits and they're an incredible gift because the subscription sends you the exact toys that correlate with your child's phase in life. We have gone through every stage with them and they've helped my kids develop immensely!
This kitchen is super cute -- we have it and my kids always play on it!
Another little house option! We have this and it's the cutest and matches our house!
Delfina loves this!