Q+A with Makeup Artist & Eco-Luxe Beauty Tools Founder Jenny Patinkin

Jenny Patinkin on "lazy perfection", what's been most rewarding about starting her line of beauty tools, and more.

Jenny Patinkin is a beauty expert, makeup artist, author, and entrepreneur who has famously created her own line of eco-luxe beauty tools. She prides her line of products on four amazing principles: luxury quality, eco-consciousness, user-friendliness, and age awareness. Jenny's journey in beauty is an inspiring one and speaks to the idea that beauty should not be complicated, and should be accessible to all. Read on to learn more about Jenny's own routine, her time in the industry, and more!

Q: How did you first get your start in makeup, and how did you get to where you are today?

I was a 40-year-old, stay-at-home mom who kind of fell into beauty while I was vetting an unrelated business concept. Basically, I met a makeup artist who recognized some ability in me, so I did some training and then 3 weeks later got signed by an agency (ABTP) and jumped into work. As soon as I decided to jump, a series of pretty organic twists and turns took me to where I am today. I started helping friends with their makeup which led to me opening a "beauty school" where I educated women about makeup. I developed a line of makeup brushes to use during those lessons, which led to me working as an on-air beauty expert, shooting hundreds and hundreds of videos. The exposure I got from being on-camera led to me getting a book deal with Running Press/Hachette, and then when it was written and published, I got to promote my book across all sorts of national and local broadcast channels including GMA, The Today Show, ExtraTV, The Rachael Ray Show, and more. After the book tour, I started doing a lot of speaking gigs and seminars, and then started to expand my Eco-Luxe product line, which is what I am most focused on today.

Q: You’ve coined the term “lazy perfection”. Can you elaborate a bit on what that means and how it ties into your brand?

I love a simple, natural approach to beauty, and have believed forever that makeup and beauty don't have to be as complicated as most women think they do — small steps can make a big difference. “Lazy Perfection” is an approach that will help clarify what's most important to you and help you to put together a program that compliments not only your individual features and coloring, but also your personal style, lifestyle, and technical skillset. People seem to think they should be born knowing how to put on makeup and what's best for their skin, but looking objectively at these different categories will help you to streamline.

Q: What have you found the most rewarding about the development and launch of your beauty line?

I love, love working with customers and clients — showing people that a little goes a long way and that your beauty tools can make a huge difference in your beauty routine, and in how you look and feel. It's so gratifying to give clients the comfort of knowing that simplicity is often enough.

Q: Your product line spans from makeup tools to skincare tools. Can you tell us a bit about the decision to include both, and why it was important to you to include products across different categories in beauty?

I really enjoy the work that I get to do as a beauty expert, collaborating with other brands and working with people from all different corners of this industry. Focusing on beauty tools allows me to keep a foot in both color and skincare.

Q: What do you love the most about what you do?

I am really enjoying product development these days. There are so many ways to get creative about developing tools that are both eco-friendly and luxurious.

Q: What does your everyday morning routine look like?

I use my Reusable Cosmetic Rounds damp to wipe away last night's skincare and then to apply a little toner. Then I use my Rose on Rose Face Roller or Petite Rose on Rose Face Roller to get rid of the puffiness my 52-year-old face wakes up with every day now, then apply vitamin C, a little moisturizer, and sunscreen. Most days for the past year, that's about it.

JENNY PATINKIN | Reusable Cosmetic Rounds
JENNY PATINKIN | Reusable Cosmetic Rounds
JENNY PATINKIN | Rose On Rose Face Roller
JENNY PATINKIN | Rose On Rose Face Roller
JENNY PATINKIN | Petite Rose On Rose Face Roller
JENNY PATINKIN | Petite Rose On Rose Face Roller

Q: If you only have 5 minutes to get ready before running out the door, what products are you reaching for first?

My Lazy Perfection Eyelash Curler and some mascara, a navy eyeliner for tight-lining, some cream blush applied with my Luxury Vegan Complexion Brush, and a little concealer under my eyes and around my nose applied with my Luxury Vegan Conceal/Buff Brush. I'll take my Petite Rose on Rose Roller with me to use in the car.

JENNY PATINKIN | Lazy Perfection Eyelash Curler
JENNY PATINKIN | Lazy Perfection Eyelash Curler
JENNY PATINKIN | Luxury Vegan Complexion Brush
JENNY PATINKIN | Luxury Vegan Complexion Brush
JENNY PATINKIN | Luxury Vegan Conceal/Buff Brush
JENNY PATINKIN | Luxury Vegan Conceal/Buff Brush

Q: Finally, what are some beauty tips and tricks you know now that you wish you knew before?

I wish I knew to pat on my skincare instead of rubbing my skin all over the place. I wish I knew that looking down at a phone all the time would make my neck look like the Crypt Keeper. And I wish I knew how harmful so many products and ingredients can be to our big beautiful planet.

Rapid Fire Round

Q: Product you can’t leave home without:

My Dye-Free Organic Bamboo Face Mask. It's soft, cozy, and makes people smile.

JENNY PATINKIN | Pure Luxury Dye-Free Organic Face Mask
JENNY PATINKIN | Pure Luxury Dye-Free Organic Face Mask

Q: Favorite drugstore or budget find:

Maybelline Full 'n Soft Mascara. I can't quit it.

MAYBELLINE | Full 'n Soft Mascara
MAYBELLINE | Full 'n Soft Mascara

Q: Worth the splurge:

A really good facial. I am a sucker for a fancy facial and badly miss them these days.

Q: Recent discovery:

Le Prunier Plum Oil. It feels thick on the skin and not slippy-slidey.

LE PRUNIER | Plum Beauty Oil
LE PRUNIER | Plum Beauty Oil

Q: Brand you wish more people knew about:

Maya Chia. Everything in this line is amazing.

MAYA CHIA | The Revitalizer Supercritical Body Oil
MAYA CHIA | The Revitalizer Supercritical Body Oil

Q: Favorite lipstick:

I'm more of a gloss gal. Love the ones from Tower 28.

TOWER 28 | ShineOn Lip Jelly
TOWER 28 | ShineOn Lip Jelly

Q: Your last beauty empty:

Augustinus Bader The Rich Cream.

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