The Concentrates Collection: 111SKIN's New Line of Clinical-Strength Treatments

Dr. Yannis Alexandrides on the new line of seven-day treatments, their integration into an everyday skincare routine, and more.

Q: The new 111SKIN Concentrates are part of a seven-day treatment. With that in mind, how do they fit into a regular skincare routine?

We tried to make it as simple as possible. They come in a small box with seven ampoules. Basically, you just wash your skin with a cleanser, and then you apply the product. There are seven because they need to be applied over seven consecutive days. It lists the ingredients and the purpose of it! So for example, the Firming concentrate, obviously, is for skin that has a little lost elasticity, and it’s for tightening and brightening.

You don't have to stop using anything else you are using. My best advice is to do your morning routine as normal and use the concentrates in the evening for a week, and then go back to your routine as you did before.

But, I wouldn't want people to start using concentrates together, like on the same week using two or three together. Rather than doing that, if you want to experience different lines for different problems, you would do one at a time and continue the next week with another one.

Q: Considering it is more of a treatment and less of a product to be used regularly, similar to the way people might use face or eye masks every so often, how often should people use a concentrate treatment?

One of the reasons we decided to launch this now, because we’ve had this idea for a long time, is because now people have more time on their hands with staying home, working from home, and actually taking care of their skin more than before. We wanted to give people control and freedom. And actually, it's quite flexible.

Of course, it's not a day-to-day treatment — I wouldn't say you need to use concentrates on a daily basis, because that defeats the purpose. But there are not a lot of rules you need to follow. If you feel that your skin is dehydrated, you can use the Hydration concentrate for a week. Then you can repeat that again if your skin returns back to dehydration. I think one of the beauties of the concentrates is that they leave a little bit of freedom and flexibility for the consumer to take control of their skin and use it when it's necessary.

The other thing to keep in mind with Concentrates is if you're suffering from more than one skin concern, like up to two or three, then you can do a longer protocol. So say you're suffering from acne, but your skin is also really dehydrated, you could do the course of Clarity followed by the course of Hydration, so you're treating two skin concerns.

111SKIN | The Clarity Concentrate
111SKIN | The Clarity Concentrate
111SKIN | The Hydration Concentrate
111SKIN | The Hydration Concentrate

Q: Which Concentrates have you been using, or which ones have you used?

Well, I have to try all of them, right? But right now I'm using the Firming one.

111SKIN | The Firming Concentrate
111SKIN | The Firming Concentrate

Q: What are some ways you can prolong the results of the Concentrates treatments (i.e. things we can be doing in our skincare routines, things we do in our day-to-day, etc.)?

As Concentrates are – as the name suggests – concentrated with active ingredients, it is best not to mix with other “active” skincare, but instead, use it alongside barrier-building and calming skincare products. This will allow the Concentrates to optimize their effect, subsequently prolonging the result they induce.

111SKIN | The Y Theorem Concentrate
111SKIN | The Y Theorem Concentrate
111SKIN | The Radiance Concentrate
111SKIN | The Radiance Concentrate

Q: What are some myths or misconceptions about ampoule treatments that you'd like to debunk?

Some consumers fear they will cut their fingers when breaking open glass ampoules. However, we’ve pre-empted this by including a safety seal to avoid this from potentially occurring.

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Dr. Yannis Alexandrides
Dr. Yannis Alexandrides
Dr. Yannis Alexandrides is the Founder and Surgical Director of 111 Harley St. An American and European board-certified Plastic Surgeon based out of London, he established the clinic in 2001. For almost two decades, 111 Harley St. has remained at the forefront of aesthetic innovation due to Dr. Yannis’s tireless approach to medical excellence. He has been regularly voted among the top 100 doctors in his field and has a vast range of international clients. 1111SKIN was created by Dr. Yannis to encourage healing in the skin post-treatment and prescribed to his recovering patients following surgery. The extraordinary results and subsequent demand for the inaugural healing serum have allowed 111SKIN to expand into 6 ranges and over 50 products creating a global fanbase of celebrities, beauty editors, and industry insiders.